Maurice A. Sailly

David Peake
April 11th, 2018

  • My sincere mother is at Holy Sepulchre cemetary nearby….I marvelled at the beautiful love Mr Sailly so obviously had for his wife..I saw him with his chair & his flowers often.
    I will always say a prayer as I now visit him also, if that is okay.

  • Charlie Rutan / May 13, 2018 at 10:30 am

    Maurice Sailly gave me my career. I owe him much, and was glad to speak to him in the cemetery occasionally. I am sorry to have just now learned of his passing. He will be remembered often by me. My sincerest condolences to the Sailly family. Avec profonde simpathie, adieu, mon maitre, adieu.

  • Murray Middleman started on clarinet at age nine in 4th Grade .
    Two years later, at the age of eleven, as a 6th grad student , Murray and his Mother arrived at the Philadelphia’s Settlement Music School in Germantown, which was an exciting experience for Murray, as he heard about the great clarinet teacher from France , who taught there .
    Murray was extremely nervous, and didn’t know what to expect, upon arriving at Settlement School , to meet Mr.Sailly. However , he immediately was put at ease by Mr.Sailly , who was so charming with his French accent and subtle sense of humor.
    (Murray said ) As I try to look back at what struck me most about Mr.Sailly , was his ability to speak to me as an young adult , and not as a child . I now see that he must of seen a strong potential in me ,to excel as a musician, and he able to instill confidence in me ,to do the best that I could do , with my music .
    One small thing that annoyed Mr. Sailly , was when I practiced to carelessly , and neglected to practice my weekly etude slowly enough . This was partly because of my quick sight-reading ability , which can be more of a curse, than an asset . Just one time in seven years, did I ever see Mr. Sailly lose his temper That was once when I showed up with broken clarinet reeds for a special audition.
    Never the less, in my last year of High School, in the spring of 1972, I was accepted by the Philadelphia Musical Academy, as a new student of Donald Montanaro, clarinetist of the Philadelphia Orchestra, and the clarinet instructor at The Curtis Institute, with a scholarship .
    Just prior to my Graduation from Philadelphia College of the Performing Arts ,in 1976, I was appointed Teacher of saxophone at Settlement Music School, by Maurice’s good friend ,Mr. Maier Levin , who was The Settlement Music School’s well loved and respected director.
    After moving to Los Angeles in 1982 , Murray would make visits to Philadelphia , to see his family and Mom and dad, and often visit his teacher Maurice Sailly, who would later tell Murray ,that he was one of his favorite students.
    Murray sends his condolences to our family and wants to express his deep love and remorse for the loss of his dear teacher Maurice Sailly.

  • As a 4th grader in the a Philadelhia public system at Louis H. Farrell Elementary School, in the late 1960’s, I was offered lessons and a school loaned flute, and the priviledge of taking lessons from Mr. Sailly. He was a gifted musician and teacher, and super patient with my lack of practicing. Sincere condolences to his family.

  • Just saw this belated condolences to the family. Great clarinet instructer with a splendid sence of humor. Needed that with me..abled me to work way through college…


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