Marion L. “Mel” Fetterolf

David Peake
February 4th, 2020

  • The 37 years of friendship Mel and I shared have been filled with many lovely times together. I appreciate our almost four decades of insightful and fun after dinner conversations on the phone (evening was always Mel’s best time to chat) and I will miss hearing her voice, listening to, dancing to the music she loved and creating and discussing art.

    The years of memories of friendship with Mort and Mel are cherished as well.
    Saturday night dinner and Lawrence Welk, birthdays, and holidays were some of the times we enjoyed

    Mel loved to celebrate our family, friends, and life.

    With love and fond memories, Mari

  • Elizabeth Green / February 7, 2020 at 5:52 pm

    Thank you for being a friend for over 25 years, Marion. You brought life and love to our family and to your grandchildren.


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