George McGrory
Dear Family and Friends of George McGrory:
This is to inform you of the passing of my brother, George McGrory, on Saturday, November 2, 2019. My wife Carolyn, George and I had shared a pleasant and hearty dinner together 10 days before. The next Sunday we watched some football together and the following day a chest x-ray confirmed pneumonia, from which he did not recover.
Ninety-two good years and ten bad days is something for which I am grateful. George was faithful to his lord and knew him well.
George’s love of the sea was probably solidified during his 14th summer spent as baggage clerk and handyman at a small hotel on the coast of Maine. Many subsequent high school weekends were spent at a Sea Scout base on the Delaware River. A Month after High School graduation George entered the Merchant Marine Academy, from which he graduated in 2 ½ years as a Licensed Marine Engineer and Commissioned Navel Officer. The Korean War found him serving on a US Mine Sweeper and then a Navy Tanker for three years, after which he returned to the Merchant Marine.
After ten years at sea, George came ashore and began a 34-year career with Continental Insurance Company. His first job was as a Safety Inspector, starting with the inside of boilers. His last job was as the Vice President of Loss Control. Why he didn’t get his 6’4” frame stuck in one of those boilers has always been a mystery to his kid brother. Upon his retirement, many of those who worked with George during his distinguished career witnessed to his positive mentorship.
George was buried in Philadelphia after a graveside ceremony in the presence of Carolyn and me and two generations of nieces and nephews. He joined his parents, grandparents, infant sister, and his fiend of many years, Charlotte Bartzik in the family plot.
My brother George was the most honorable person I have ever known. During this Advent Season, as we prepared to celebrate the Birth of Christ, I gave thanks for my brother and for all of you who knew and respected him.
Bob McGrory