Gertrude H. Roatche

David Peake
November 21st, 2023

  • Gertrude was an integral part of my life growing up. She was there for every birthday, and holiday – and she always showed up with food a smile, and most notably, love. When I reflect on Gertrude, I feel so fortunate to have had her there for me. In her presence one could not help but feel seen and valued. She embodied the words, “kindness costs nothing.” It costs nothing, but the reverberations of her kindness and goodwill travels far beyond her, informing not only my memory, but the memories of all whom she touched in life influencing our futures to remember to be kinder wherever you can – you never know what a profound effect it can have. It had that effect for me. Safe travels Gertrude. All my love to my cousins – David and Edward.

  • Being a family friend, I have many fond memories of Gertrude at gatherings and holidays growing up. I’ll always remember her as a welcoming and warm, positive presence that was part of happy childhood memories sitting around the dining room table or by the pool at my best friend’s house. She will be missed. Sending love and condolences to her whole family.


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